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Newsletter October 2020 - back in clinic & online classes confirmed!!

Since my last newsletter in July, I have returned to work in my clinic with full PPE and a new cleaning regime to help my clients feel safe.  The first couple of days were horrendous as I tried to navigate the chaos.  My well-oiled wheel felt like it had been smashed to pieces and, like many of my colleagues, I was ready to give up on the in-person clinic that I have been building, maintaining and fine-tuning for 17 years.  Thankfully, I am stubborn by nature, and after a couple of weeks, the chaos started to calm, and the new ways became more automatic.   Am I contented?  Absolutely not!!  Like most people, I am conflicted at having to make such massive changes where, after being closed down for six months, I still cannot operate my clinic or teach my classes the way I want to.  I don't like what is going on in the world or that so many people are suffering.  My heart is breaking for those who are sick physically or psychologically, who are missing out on general medical attention, who have lost or are isolated from their loved ones or have lost their homes, jobs, businesses and financial security.  Yet, despite everything, my gut is telling me to trust the flow of life, that the chaos is for a reason, and everything will be OK. A common word appearing in sessions is despondency which is defined as "Low spirits from loss of hope or courage; dejection." Oxford Dictionary.  For me, this is a worrying place for people to be as without hope; there is no life.  Often when I see a common flavour in sessions, I tune in to see if I can do a general session to help my clients, family and friends.  When I did this recently I was guided back to the healing visualisation I posted on my new website and YouTube channel in April (see below).  This visualisation aims to raise your energy vibration for true holistic healing and effectively raise your spirits.  Whether you listen to this once or every day, like some, it can have a very powerful effect.  It is only 11 minutes and 11 seconds long and is certainly worth a listen. Although I have not had time to update my website it contains a Support page with other general sessions, links and guidance that you may find useful and I am hoping to add to these very soon.  I have included a link below to the full newsletter which contains details for session and online course booking -  BodyTalk Access 19/20 October and Fundamentals Integration class 9-6 November are confirmed and I am excited to have the opportunity to teach these online.  There are still spaces for all scheduled classes at the reduced rates if you would like to join us.   Until next time please, please, please look after your wee-selves. Lesley x         

Full Newsletter Link

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